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Pastiche Family Portal HomePrintable Party Game - Stick the Eye Patch on the Pirate

Kids will love this fun pirate party game based on the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey Game. Players should be blindfolded with a pirate bandanna then they try to stick an eye patch on the pirate's face

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Features : Printables : Crafts : Pirate Printables : Pirate Eye Patch Game

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Stick the Eye Patch on the Pirate Printable Game prints on two Adobe PDF sheets: 1 Pirate Face Game Sheet, and 1 sheet of Pirate Eye Patches.

This is a high quality Adobe PDF printable pirate game I designed for my grandchildren. Before printing, make sure your printer is set up to "Scale Page to Fit" so it will size the image properly for your paper.

Pirate eye patches

Print the Pirate Eye Patches

Pirate Face Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate Game

Print the Pirate Eye Patch Game Sheet

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