pastiche family portal

Pastiche Family Portal HomeFathers, Step Dads, Grandfathers and Dads to Be

This section is for dads, grandfathers and fathers to be. It's got articles of interest to fathers who live with their children, and also advice and tips for dads who have their kids with them part of the time.

It's got handy features for dads and for grandfathers, and articles about how to be a good dad or an excellent stepfather.


Number 1 Dad with badge clip art
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Features : Fathers & Fatherhood, Grandfathers and Expectant Dads

Freebies for Dads and Grandfathers

If you're looking for general parenting tips for men, scroll down this page to explore articles with solid advice for fathers. And if you're new to this Daddy role, have no fear - in this section you'll also find stories and tips for for first-time dads and fathers to be.

Oh, and grandpa, we have stuff for you, too.

Father's Day Coloring Pages

Father's Day Printables

Father's Day Cards

father's day clip art, dad you are awesome

Father's Day Clip Art

dads spare change clip art

Dad Gift - Make A Coin Bank

Holidays: Fathers Day

Links for Dads

Dads-to-Be & New Fathers

Take a Quiz on Infant Care

What's the standard advice on how long after childbirth you should wait until you and your wife can have sex again?

Find the answer to this and other questions in this quick quiz for new dads.

Tips and for new dads and dads-to-be

Get the guys' viewpoint on baby names, and grab some Printables for a dad-in-waiting or newbie father's unique shower gift.


Fathers, Daughters, and Eating Disorders

by Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC

We have an epidemic of eating disorders in this country. It’s important to examine what kind of impact these disorders are having in our country today, especially how our attitudes and examples impact the girls and women in our lives

Oh No - the Sex Talk

Talking to your kids about sex isn’t the easiest thing in the world. But if we’d like our kids to share our values and beliefs about sex, we need to do our job. This article by Mark Brandenburg offers tips on how to move ahead with this difficult issue.

> Click here to read the full article

When is Father's Day?

Fathers work hard, as do most parents. But at times, they may feel unappreciated and invisible. Here are some reasons to avoid allowing these feelings to spread in your family. Click to read more of this insightful Father's Day article by Mark Brandenburg, parent and father coach.

Gifts for Dads

World's Best Dad Tees & Mugs

World's Best Dad mug
World's Best Dad Mug by imagefactory

Get Off My Lawn!

Lawn Ranger hat
Lawn Ranger Trucker Hat

Dad to Be Shower Gift

Shop & Create on Zazzle

My Kids Should Always Obey Me!

It’s the perfect irrational statement for fathers to create more problems in their families.

For many men, this kind of thinking takes them further and further from their kids, and it creates a cycle of anger and frustration that’s hard to break. But those who’d like to learn to manage their anger can do so, especially if they follow these 10 steps ...


60 Tips for Fathers

One-Minute Tips for Parents on How to Create Happy, Connected, and Responsible Kids -

Makes a great shower gift for the Dad to be!

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Lee Hansen

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